
How Massage can Enhance Chiropractic Care

Soft tissue components of your pain

Addressing soft tissue problems is an important complement to chiropractic care. This is because muscles move joints, while ligaments and fascia support them. If your are getting adjustments and are not getting complete relief, tight muscles and shortened or unhealthy fascia (the white web or casing around the muscle) may need to be addressed with advanced massage techniques.

Structural Massage for healthy soft tissue

Massage therapists use a variety of techniques to address soft tissue problems. Gentle kneading and stretching lengthens contracted muscles and fascia. Techniques such as sustained pressure, ice massage and stretching can release trigger points. Painful sprains and strains, as well as myofascial adhesions, can be addressed directly with massage techniques that improve circulation and stimulate healthy separation and realignment of injured fibres.

In general, massage increases circulation. This reduces painful swelling and inflammation, and promotes healing by removing waste products and bringing nutrients to your tissues. Like a sponge absorbing water, both fascia and muscles begin to soften and lengthen.

Supporting your Home Care

To the extent that massage therapy can help resolve your pain and improve mobility, you may find it easier to stretch and exercise. This can help you maintain and even improve the flexibility, strength and balance needed to prevent tension, injury and new subluxations.

Massage is also a powerful tool for helping you to become aware of areas of chronic tension or postural problems, and to understand how these affect your body mechanics. You can then take preventive measures on your own before pain develops.

