Nerve Impingement
Nerve impingement can be the most debilitating and illusive kind of pain. Having experienced various types of nerve pain in my own body, I have a deep level of compassion and commitment to helping others get relief as fast as
Issues in the Tissues
Why do bones get all the attention? Muscles and tendons are worth some mention. Because without them, we couldn’t stand anymore, Without them we’d just be bones on the floor. And when things go wrong, as they often do. With time, overuse, or sports injuries
Sciatica – Intense Pain in the Buttocks & Down the Leg
Sciatica is often confused as being a disease. However, it is actually a symptom of a disease commonly understood as compression of the sciatic nerve. This is mainly caused by a slipped or herniated (bulging) disc. Sciatic pain usually radiates
Stretches for stiff neck and shoulders
Tightness in the side of the neck, back of the neck or between the shoulder blades results when the neck creeps forward and the shoulders become rounded.Below is a video demonstrating stretches for the chest and neck to counter pain
Tendonitis and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Explained
I am seeing an increasing number of clients with Tendonitis and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CPS) so I thought I would post on this subject since seeking treatment through conventional pathways can be frustrating and often unproductive. The first question to ask
Science Behind How Massage Reduces Inflammation & Speeds Recovery
Finally, long overdue research is published explaining precising how massage affects your muscles (and other soft tissues) at the cellular level. In a nutshell, the article explains biomechancially how massage reduces inflammation (in the biopsied test subjects). It goes on
Carpel Tunnel Syndrome & Nerve Entrapment
I see plenty of clients in my practice who have wasted weeks, months or years getting the wrong treatment and diagnosis for their hand pain or numbness. Many find themselves seeing multiple medical specialists, getting injections and sometimes wasting time
Complicated Back Pain – Is Massage a Luxury Or an Investment?
According to top medical authorities including Mayo Clinic and the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, more than 90% of back pain resolves with conservative treatment. It is also widely known that physical conditioning or exercises that strengthen the muscles and
Massage – Efective Treatment for Computer Related Tennis Elbow
Effectiveness of Myofascial Release in the Management of Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow) in Computer Professionals Ajimsha MS, Chithra S, Thulasyammal RP.SourceMyofascial Therapy and Research Foundation, Kerala, India; School of Physiotherapy, AIMST University, Kedah, Malaysia. AbstractAjimsha MS, Chithra S, Thulasyammal RP. Effectiveness of
Ice or Heat – which is best?
Ice is best for acute injuries and reducing inflammation. Heat works well for relaxing tense muscles. This article spells it all out: Is Ice or Heat Better for Treating an Injury?