White Paper: Understanding Traumatic Brain Injury
This document explains the nature of Traumatic Brain Injury and new findings based on functional imaging of the brain following individuals with chronic issues months or years after brain injuries. It also details the nature of traumatic brain injury healing
Nerve Impingement
Nerve impingement can be the most debilitating and illusive kind of pain. Having experienced various types of nerve pain in my own body, I have a deep level of compassion and commitment to helping others get relief as fast as
BioMat Recommended by Dr. Sircus for Adjunctive Cancer Therapy
BioMat Far-infrared therapy is being recommended here by Dr. Sircus who used BioMat as an adjunctive therapy when he had cancer. In the video he explains how BioMat works and how it helped him and his patients with a host
Processing Emotions after Bodywork/Massage
Processing emotions is a part of life. For many, this comes up when getting bodywork or massage, and it is helpful to know what to expect. This video puts things into perspective with a little bit of humor
Light: Medicine of the Future
Learn how combined red, blue and infrared light therapy (inLight Medical) works and exactly how it helps with specific conditions. This video contains comparative photos, studies and scientific validation.
Issues in the Tissues
Why do bones get all the attention? Muscles and tendons are worth some mention. Because without them, we couldn’t stand anymore, Without them we’d just be bones on the floor. And when things go wrong, as they often do. With time, overuse, or sports injuries
The Scoop on Protein Powders
Here is a complete updated guide on the best gluten-free protien powders:
Kale and Quinoa Salad
I was thrilled to discover this salad. I was tired of the same old Kale salad with dried cranberries and I wanted something savory. Also, kale can be a bit rubbery and bitter and this salad calls for cooked quinoa
Sciatica – Intense Pain in the Buttocks & Down the Leg
Sciatica is often confused as being a disease. However, it is actually a symptom of a disease commonly understood as compression of the sciatic nerve. This is mainly caused by a slipped or herniated (bulging) disc. Sciatic pain usually radiates
Eat Nuts and Live Longer!!
Here is a great article about nuts