Carpel Tunnel Syndrome & Nerve Entrapment
I see plenty of clients in my practice who have wasted weeks, months or years getting the wrong treatment and diagnosis for their hand pain or numbness. Many find themselves seeing multiple medical specialists, getting injections and sometimes wasting time
Complicated Back Pain – Is Massage a Luxury Or an Investment?
According to top medical authorities including Mayo Clinic and the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, more than 90% of back pain resolves with conservative treatment. It is also widely known that physical conditioning or exercises that strengthen the muscles and
Massage – Efective Treatment for Computer Related Tennis Elbow
Effectiveness of Myofascial Release in the Management of Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow) in Computer Professionals Ajimsha MS, Chithra S, Thulasyammal RP.SourceMyofascial Therapy and Research Foundation, Kerala, India; School of Physiotherapy, AIMST University, Kedah, Malaysia. AbstractAjimsha MS, Chithra S, Thulasyammal RP. Effectiveness of
Ice or Heat – which is best?
Ice is best for acute injuries and reducing inflammation. Heat works well for relaxing tense muscles. This article spells it all out: Is Ice or Heat Better for Treating an Injury?
How Massage can Enhance Chiropractic Care
Soft tissue components of your pain Addressing soft tissue problems is an important complement to chiropractic care. This is because muscles move joints, while ligaments and fascia support them. If your are getting adjustments and are not getting complete relief, tight
Maintaining Healthy Soft Tissue
After helping clients to restore the health and balance of their soft tissue, the next important question that comes up is often related to maintaince. Scheduling a massage proactively or before pain and stiffness becomes compensatory (and difficult to manage)
What to do about a torn muscle or tendon
Injury Prevention Pulled Muscles, Scar Tissue and Re-injury The reknowned Athletic Trainer Brad Walker explains how scar tissue affects recovery and re-injury of pulled muscles: Have you ever had an injury that just will not heal? And then when you think
Hip Strengthening Exercises Reduces Knee Pain
Hip strengthening exercises performed by female runners not only significantly reduced patellofemoral pain — a common knee pain experienced by runners — but they also improved the runners’ gaits, according to Indiana University motion analysis expert Tracy Dierks. “The results indicate
Best Stretches for Upper Back Pain (Rounded Shoulders)
Rounded shoulders can turn into pain in the upper back (ache between or around the shoulder blades) or pain in the front of the shoulder. This is most commonly aggravated by the overabundance of activities we perform with our arms
#1 Stretch for Low Back Pain: Hip Flexor / Psoas Stretch
The psoas muscle (hip flexor) is a common hidden cause of low back and hip pain that is often overlooked. It is common with back pain resulting from lengthy periods of sitting followed by or preceded by a sudden burst