An intuitively applied orthopedic approach to working with unhealthy muscle groups can address complicated pain patterns. When soft tissue balance and function is restored there is a more immediate and lasting impact on joint and nerve pain.

Orthopedic Massage
Orthopedic massage approaches pain and muscle groups holistically by focusing on freeing constricted joints, muscles and nerves. When injured or stressed muscles, tendons and ligaments “guard” due to injury, overuse, or stress, joints mis-align and nerves become impinged or “pinched”. Restoring the health and balance of these muscles and soft tissue structures around the joints and nerves not only improves circulation and lymphatic flow, but can relieve joint pain and nerve pain or nerve impingement.
Sessions include:
- Advanced Therapeutic (Deep Tissue) Massage – Myofascial, Trigger Point, Neuromuscular Therapy plus Swedish and Thai Massage techniques are intuitively applied with postural re-alignment in mind.
- BioMat– all sessions are performed on a BioMat. Other light therapy tools (near infrared, red and blue light and far infrared) are used to relax the nervous system, increase circulation and gently detoxify the body.
- Intuitive Guidance – whether it is from a traumatic injury, stress or chronic pain that has developed over time, the body has a sophisticated way to “protect” or “guard” us from further harm. Honoring this system for protection, I use my ability to “tune in” or “feel” where and how your body is guarding allowing it to “guide” each session. This is how I determine which technique and assistive technology to apply.
- Self care tips – following each session, we discuss your home care and any opportunities to support the work you are doing with other health care practitioners
About Katrina Vasher
I am a certified massage therapist / light therapist and Body Intuitive focused on orthopedic or structural “deep tissue” massage and mind-body awareness. I have studied a variety of advanced massage modalities in addition to Orthopedic Massage including Healing Touch, Oncology Massage, Thai Massage, British Sports Massage, and I have earned certifications in Personal Training, Holistic Fitness, Yoga for Seniors, and Massage for Geriatric and Medically Frail individuals. I love teaming with other health professionals and appreciate and enjoy the wonders how humans rehabilitate after injury or illness, even when I am presented with my own body as the example.
A student of bodywork for over a decade, much of what I rely on comes from personal experience rehabbing from injuries and a developed intuitive ability to work with how and where a body is “guarding” or compensating. I am further assisted by a growing toolkit including BioMat, InLight Medical Light therapies and Avazzia neuro-modulating micro-current. These are safe, non-invasive tools that reduce pain, lower stress, increase circulation and help me to “disarm” the nervous system and allow for deeper relaxation and accelerated healing.
Light Therapy is a healing modality that involves using near infrared technology applied directly to the skin or area of pain or nearby lymphatic areas to stimulate and accelerate healing. It is typically used for anyone looking to enhance healing, reduce their athletic training recovery time and increase athletic performance, and in particular by those suffering from arthritis, nerve impingement / neuropathy, degenerative disc disease or other more complicated or conditions involving inflammation or a stress response in the body. It can be used at home or by a health practitioner.